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Should My Cleanser Be pH Balanced?

    When something is labeled pH balanced it sounds like just another marketing buzzword -- everyone wants their cleanser to be it, no one knows what exactly it means. Do you need to?

    Yes. You do.

    Your skin's health and the overall health of your body are directly linked to your pH level -- the ratio of acidity to alkalinity in your skin. When choosing a cleanser, you'll want a product formulated to help maintain the right balance.

    What pH Balanced Really Means

    You don't have to break out the chemistry textbook -- we can explain.

    pH stands for "potential hydrogen." It's the term used to describe the acid-alkaline ratio of a substance like your skin or your prosthetic cleanser. All things have a pH ratio on a scale from 0 to 14,  0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. Seven, the pH of water, is neutral. The skin's barrier should be slightly acidic, with a 5.5 pH balance.

    When skin gets too alkaline -- that is, too far away from that magic 5.5 -- it's more likely to become dry and sensitive, and less likely to be able to withstand the daily stresses that come with wearing a prosthesis.

    A balance between acidity and alkalinity is so essential to the health of the human body that an out-of-wack pH makes you susceptible to skin issues worse than dry skin, like eczema or painful inflammation. Some have even suggested that poor pH balance is linked to fatigue, weight gain, and vulnerability to disease.


    Many prosthetic cleansers are pH balanced to work with your skin instead of against it. Now that you know how essential the pH balance is to your body's ecosystem, it shouldn't be hard to find a product to help you maintain it.

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