How to measure for stump socks.
General Rule for Prosthetic Sock Sizes
Rules for Circumference Measurements- Narrow Size: child and arm amputees
- Regular: Below-Knee amputees and high level above knee amputees
- Wide: Above-Knee Amputees
- Long- Symes amputation levels
- X-Long: Knee Disarticulation and Symes amputation levels
Measuring Basics
You want to be sure that when you measure, the tape is straight and in line with the area you are measuring. For example, most circumference measurements require the tape measure to be parallel to the floor while lengths will need to be either parallel or perpendicular (based on the line orientation of the body part being measured).
Measurement Warnings!
Do not pull the measuring tape too tight, allowing it to press into the skin. This will give a smaller measurement and will not be accurate if you are truly trying to record correct size information.
What type of measuring device should I use?
When taking body measurements, you need to use the correct type of tape measure. You will want to use a soft cloth or flexible plastic tape measure, similar to what a seamstress uses. Do not use a metal measuring tape, used in construction (your measurements will be inaccurate). Please don't guess, because you consider your below knee amputation a size narrow doesn't necessarily mean a prosthetic sock manufacturer considers your limb a size Narrow. Narrow is nearly always for children and arm amputees.