Prosthetic Guides

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Prosthetic Guides

Prosthetic socks


Prosthetic Socks, often referred to as stump socks or stump stockings, are an integral component of most prosthetic systems. The purpose of this guide is to help you discover new types of specialized socks and determine which prosthetic sock is most appropriate for your needs. Whether you profusely sweat underneath your prosthetic liner or need a prosthetic sock that can balance between cushion and volume control, this prosthetic sock guide is a great place to start.

  • How many sock ply is too many ply?

    October 15, 2022

    Whether you are a new amputee or one whose limb has fully matured and you find yourself wearing a prosthesis with 20 plus sock ply, here's what you...

    Whether you are a new amputee or one whose limb has fully matured and you find yourself wearing a prosthesis with 20 plus sock ply, here's what you...

  • Which prosthetic sock is right for me?

    October 15, 2022

    As with activity specific clothing, there are different types of amputee socks designed for optimum performance under specific conditions, and the ...

    As with activity specific clothing, there are different types of amputee socks designed for optimum performance under specific conditions, and the ...
