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Why You Need to Double Your Protein Intake

    Do you eat two eggs for breakfast or add a scoop of powdered protein to your morning coffee? According to experts, it might not be enough.

     Increasing your protein intake at breakfast has great benefits.

    While dietitians typically consider eggs a nutrient powerhouse—containing vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, choline, zinc, and calcium—eating the mythical two eggs for breakfast doesn’t offer enough protein. Two eggs would only provide about 12 grams of protein compared to the 25 to 40 grams needed to start the day.

    However, this is only an estimate, as protein intake recommendations should be based on an individual’s age, fitness level, goals, and size.  

    Why eating more protein is good  

    Increasing the amount of protein you eat, particularly during breakfast, has a whole host of benefits:

    • Increased energy levels throughout the day

    • Boosting your skin and nail health

    • Strengthened immune system

    More protein during breakfast also helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, preventing you from becoming ravenous by lunchtime. If you regularly work out, more protein means shorter recovery time between strenuous workouts.

    Increasing your protein intake also benefits your productivity at work, as it helps improve your focus. And for some people, eating more protein gives them more energy, which allows them to forgo that second cup of coffee after lunch, effectively decreasing anxiety. It’s a win-win situation for your physical and mental health.

    How to double your protein intake  

    If you’re eating two eggs for breakfast, you can keep your signature dish and mix in protein-rich ingredients, like cheese. Cottage cheese is a good option as a cup of it contains about 24 grams of protein and a significant amount of selenium, calcium, and riboflavin, helping you meet your daily requirements effortlessly.

    If you can’t have cheese, try having banana pancakes or smoked salmon toast. Other sources of protein include:

    • Greek yogurt (a seven-ounce serving contains 17 to 20 grams of protein);

    • protein shake;

    • peanut butter (two tablespoons on sliced fruit can boost total protein intake by seven grams);

    • quinoa (one cup contains eight grams of protein);

    • seeds like pumpkin and hemp (nearly 10 grams of protein per ounce);

    • nuts like almonds, peanuts, and pistachios, which contain about five or six grams of protein per ounce;

    • fish like trout (three ounces contain 20 grams of protein) and tuna (three ounces contain 17 grams);

    • chicken (a three-ounce portion contains about 27 grams of lean protein); and

    • beans (two cups of kidney beans have about 26 grams of protein).


    What protein-rich recipes do you make often?
