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Man With Double Leg Amputation Emphasizes Importance of Support Groups

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Losing a limb is life-changing. In addition to learning how to adjust to a new normal, one needs to set new boundaries and goals. And having a support system can make the process go a bit smoother. This is why D.C.-based Greg Hourigan advocates for the importance of support groups.

     Double leg amputee Greg Hourigan encourages fellow amputees to find a support group.

    In June 2012, Hourigan began intensive chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a form of cancer affecting the blood and bone marrow. During the treatment, he contracted a bacterial infection, which led to sepsis and, ultimately, septic shock. As a result, he underwent amputation of both of his legs.

    Hourigan’s life took a dramatic turn, bringing everything to a standstill. But with the assistance of prosthetic limbs and physical therapists, as well as the support of his family and fellow amputees in the D.C. area, he has adapted to his new life.

    Now, he enjoys activities like gardening, biking, swimming, hiking on uneven terrain, mowing his lawn, walking his dog, and dancing with his wife. Hourigan has come a long way from when he struggled to remember that he couldn’t get out of bed without prosthetics.

    Because of this change in his life, he’s committed to inspiring other amputees to find a support system, get out of the house, and stay active.  

    In an interview with WTOP News, Hourigan shared that getting to the point where people can realize they need help is different for everybody. For him, it began when he realized that life after limb loss is going to be different; however, other people can help ease his journey.

    Hourigan started to meet the people crucial to his support system about a month after his amputation surgery. While he was at the rehabilitation center, getting fitted for prosthetic limbs, a friend dropped by and told him about a support group for individuals dealing with limb loss.

    He joined, and years later, the group has grown to include about 60 people. They meet each month on a Thursday; sometimes, the group invites guest speakers. Besides these monthly meetings, the group members go sailing or to Top Golf together. 

    Hourigan also emphasized that one of the benefits of joining a support group is asking all types of questions. It doesn’t matter if one deems a question “stupid.” Whether it’s about skincare or finding the right prosthetics, he’s working to ensure that other people experiencing limb loss know they’re not alone.

    Hourigan also said that being around people in the same situation that you’re in is vital. It’s easy to feel alone and misunderstood. And when one feels down for too long, it can easily spiral into depression, which would be difficult to get out of. 

    Outside of his work for the support group, Hourigan advocates for better prosthetic laws, especially regarding insurance companies’ coverage of prosthetics for amputees. He shared that the Maryland General Assembly recently passed legislation allowing people with limb loss to acquire more than one pair of prosthetics.

    Hourigan is currently preparing to join a 5K Run, Walk, and Wheel in September to help raise funds for amputee awareness. He also owns a prosthetic company where he mentors Ukrainian soldiers who come to Maryland to get prosthetics.

    People like Hourigan are instrumental in helping numerous people with limb loss or limb difference improve their mental health and quality of life. Fortunately, there are more people out there who are willing to lend a hand.

    So, if you or someone you know is struggling to find a way to move forward, especially after amputation surgery, we hope you reach out to your support system, whether that’s your family, friends, healthcare team, or a support group near you.
