Prosthetic Categories

Shriners Prosthetist To Compete in 2024 Paralympics

    Reading Time: 2 minutes


    The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games is only a few weeks away, and it’s expected to bring together as many as 4,400 athletes worldwide. One of them is Jillian Elwart, a prosthetist with above-knee limb loss at Shriners Children’s Hospital in Shreveport, LA. She hopes to set an example for the children she treats by competing in the Para Canoe—Kayak event.

    Shriners prosthetist Jillian Elwart is set to compete in Para Canoe in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.


    Elwart was a patient at Shriners from age three until she became an adult. She was born with a condition called proximal femoral focal deficiency, which meant that the upper part of her thigh bone was either not properly formed or missing, causing one of her legs to be shorter than the other.

    After becoming a certified prosthetist, Elwart now works to help children at the same hospital where she once received treatment.

    Elwart has a unique way of interacting with her young patients. She doesn’t always disclose that she wears a prosthetic leg; instead, she allows them to discover it on their own. This approach helps children realize that anything is achievable despite limb loss.

    As an adult, Elwart took up kayaking. She had to pause her training during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which meant she couldn’t participate in the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games. Despite this setback, she remained undeterred and continued her training, ultimately preparing herself for this year’s games.

    Elwart has dedicated the past seven years to rigorous training, prioritizing trips to the weight room before work and evening lifting sessions. On weekends, she travels to Little Rock and Oklahoma City for water practices twice daily.

    Aside from her unwavering determination and passion for the sport, Elwart’s support system, which consists of her family and co-workers, keeps her motivated. And, of course, her commitment to empowering her young patients to see beyond limb loss and embrace the possibilities with a prosthetic limb keeps her going.

    The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games will take place between August 28 and September 8. The Para Canoe event is slated for September 6 to 8.

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