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51-year-old Plays Baseball Again After Limb Loss

    At 51, Paul Landry Jr. defies the odds by playing as a designated hitter with a prosthetic foot for Quinsigamond Community College (QCC).

     51-year-old Paul Landry Jr. plays baseball again after a leg amputation.

    Despite a life-changing injury, Landry’s passion for baseball remains unwavering. In an interview with CBS News, Landry shared that baseball has always been his passion “both before and after my injury.”

    Landry’s path to the baseball field is unique. Unlike many players, he never played the sport in college or high school. However, he spent the last 25 years coaching.

    A devastating accident in 2019 changed everything. A trailer accident crushed his foot, and a scheduled surgery was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The delay led to the fusion of the broken bones in his foot, ultimately resulting in limb loss.

    Since he could no longer be a truck driver, Landry enrolled at QCC to learn new skills and find a new career path. Besides exploring new career paths, his involvement with the college’s baseball team grew. Assistant coach Kyle Paganelli noticed Landry’s passion for the sport and, after persistent encouragement, successfully recruited him to join the team.

    Recently, Landry made a memorable debut at bat during a game, showcasing his unwavering spirit. His strategic play and positive influence on the team left a lasting impact. Landry was astonished at the energy and support from his teammates and the crowd. It was a truly special moment for him.

    For Landry, this experience goes beyond the game itself. He sees playing baseball as an opportunity to inspire others facing similar challenges. It’s about showing that with determination, anything is possible.

    Landry’s journey shows us that limb loss doesn’t stop you from pursuing what makes you happy. His story is a powerful reminder to anyone facing adversity that resilience and passion can lead to extraordinary achievements.
