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New Study Shows Vigorous Exercise is Essential to Re...
Saying that exercise is beneficial for your health is not news. However, new evidence suggests that vigorous exercise may reduce one's risk of heart disease and even cancer. Encouraging findings o...
Stopping Phantom Limb Pain Before It Starts with Pri...
Primary Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR) seems to be the answer to stopping or mitigating the effects of phantom pain even before it starts. Pioneered by surgeons at The Ohio State University W...
Prosthetic Foot Alignment Series: Part 1
Regardless of whether you wear a prosthesis or not, everything begins with the foot and works its way up to the knee, hip, and so on. This is commonly referred to as a closed kinetic chain... Thi...
Salve: What is It and How to Use It
Prosthetic users have more than their fair share of skin issues brought on by various factors, such as breaking in a new prosthesis or wearing an ill-fitting socket, among others. So one of the mo...