Prosthetic Categories

How to Restore a Discolored Prosthetic Foot Shell

    A prosthetic foot shell is susceptible to the same environmental factors as other footwear. Over time, your foot shell will become discolored and stained. But there’s a way to restore it to an almost-pristine condition. 

    How to restore a discolored prosthetic foot shell

    For this restoration project, you’ll need the following materials: a used toothbrush, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, plastic saran wrap, and Angelus Sole Bright.*

    (*Disclaimer: Not all prosthetic foot shells are equal or made of the same material. Make sure to test Angelus Sole Bright on the bottom or any other inconspicuous area to prevent discoloration or damage to your prosthetic foot shell.

    You’ll need to clean the area first with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Wet it with water and then wipe the foot shell. This removes dirt and scuff marks, and it’s gentle enough for regular use.

    Next, take the toothbrush and dip it in a bottle of Angelus Sole Bright. While bleach might be cheaper, it can hasten the discoloration process. In comparison, Angelus Sole Bright is formulated to reverse the oxidation process that causes discoloration.

    Apply a light to medium coat of Angelus Sole Bright onto your prosthetic foot shell. The product should be applied lightly around edges to prevent it from running onto unwanted areas. *Avoid contact with non-rubber materials as it may damage them and make sure you don't get Angelus Sole Bright inside your foot shell. If this is the first time you’re trying this product, it’s best to test on the bottom of your foot shell first to avoid permanent damage.

    Then, take the plastic saran wrap and cover your foot shell. This keeps the formula from evaporating while the sun does its work. Use a nearby window and leave your foot shell in the sun for one to six hours. Make sure to check on your foot shell periodically.

    After the time runs out, remove the plastic wrap and rinse the prosthetic foot shell in cold water. You can also use a brush to ensure that any residue is removed.

    However, a heavily discolored foot shell will need more than one session to get the desired result. If your prosthetic foot shell is still dirty, re-apply Angelus Sole Bright and leave it again under the sun.

    Have you tried using this technique to restore your prosthetic foot shell? What do you think of this technique? Let us know in the comments section below.
