/en deprosthetic trends
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Cycling with Ottobock’s C-Leg 4
The C-Leg makes it possible for prosthetic users to feel safe while spinning or cycling. Courtenay Humphreys, a former police officer who lost his leg above-the-knee in a motorcycle accident, has ...
Össur Unity Vacuum System: An Elevated Vacuum System...
To date, above-knee amputees have been left out of the prosthetic elevated vacuum revolution, not because they would not benefit from the technology. Instead, the fault lies in the existing system...
This Prosthetic Leg with Sensory Feedback Can Improv...
Would you wear a prosthetic leg that provides sensory feedback? If yes, you may only need to wait a few more years. A breakthrough bionic prosthetic leg was unveiled on September 9 by researchers ...
Osseointegration: An Alternative for Prosthetic Users
For some amputees, life can seem to center around adjusting the prosthetic socket or at times dealing with rubbing and pinching. But thanks to developments in prosthetic technology, amputees who h...